Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Most Effective Affirmation is a Simple One

The Most Effective Affirmation is a Simple One

I learned some time ago that it’s best to keep affirmations extremely simple. When you add too many things into the equation, your mind can get caught up in twists and loops.

When you first start out experimenting with affirmations, it’s best to stick to simple sentences with one or two main concepts in them. Later on you can gradually work your way up to more complex affirmations.

If you’re asking for too many things in your affirmation, you can pollute the waters and send a message of confusion to your subconscious mind. And when it comes to improving your energy and your life, the last thing you need is to be affirming more confusion!

I’m a big fan of what is perhaps the most famous affirmation in the world. It was created by a French psychotherapist and pharmacist named Emile Coué. In 1920 he began teaching people to repeat the phrase, “Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better" (Tous les jours à tous points de vue je vais de mieux en mieux)

His patients had an incredible rate of recovery from a variety of ailments. To this day Coué is considered the father of autosuggestion, and his particular type of self-hypnosis is called Couéism.

Over the years some of his detractors started the rumor that Coue ended up killing himself, but he actually died of pneumonia.

People have famously adapted his affirmation. You’ve probably heard it stated like this:

“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

I like that this affirmation operates on two levels. First, it gives you a specific time frame in which to envision improvement – you’re clearly stating that this is happening EVERY DAY. Second, it gives you a clear scope or scale of the situation you are affirming – “in every way.” And third, it is both general and specific at the same time. “I am getting better and better.” You’re affirming MORE goodness, MORE of the best things that life can offer you. And yet it leaves you open to the power of the Universe to define just how this process of getting better and better might manifest.

Some people use this classic mantra to focus on increasing their energy levels and physical health. It works great for that.

Some people tend to be thinking more about improving their overall financial situation. It works really well for that, too.

Others who are more preoccupied with troublesome personal relationships enjoy using the affirmation to clear out feelings of heaviness in those relationships. That works, too.

“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

Who isn’t open to that? I know I am!

Affirmations Today



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