Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Moon Times for 2008

The new moon is a powerful time that acts as a spiritual gateway for positive energy. It's like a mini New Year.

The new moon is a wonderful day to write a new moon check of abundance, or a new moon check. You can read more about new moon checks and how they work here:

New Moon Checks.

I've just posted some of the new moon times for 2008 so you can coordinate your check writing to the new moon times. There's a new moon coming up on January 8th that should be an especially powerful day for setting your New Year's resolutions into motion.

Here are the new moon times for early 2008:

New Moon Times 2008.

Have fun and start putting the spiritual energy of the new moon to work for you!

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At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The moon who calls the ebb and flow is sung to be her oysters. They open wide, they worship. Surrendering all in deep and dark, alien life embedded, offerings to our moon, who moves the mighty waters to her will.

C.Gray Flynn

Positive Mind States


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