Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Turbo Charge Your Positive Affirmations with Waterfall Images

I wanted to share one of the tricks I use to turbo charge my daily, positive affirmations. It's simple, really. I use a picture.

I mentioned before that it can be helpful to combine tools like images and sound when you are doing affirmations. Feng shui experts teach us that having positive images in our home and work space can be powerful cues that enhance positive energy.

And they're right!

I have photos of different waterfalls that I use as a screen saver on my computer. So every time I boot up, those waterfalls are there, bringing in positive energy and reminding me to open up and receive all of the wonderful things the universe has to offer. I also have a poster of a waterfall on my bulletin board in my office.

Waterfalls are powerful conductors of "chi" or life force, so having photos of them in your home or on your computer can really turbo charge your meditations and positive affirmations.

AllPosters.com has a gorgeous selection of dozens of different waterfall posters. These are all photographs of real waterfalls from all over the world.

When selecting a waterfall image, it's best to choose one where the water is rushing towards you. This is because you want energy to be flowing your way. So be sure to choose an image that you feel a positive response to and make sure that it has water rushing towards you as you look at the photo.

The energy of waterfalls is very sacred. There is a male deva in charge of each waterfall; he helps circulate the intense chi generated by the waterfall. I visited a waterfall in the Lake Placid area last fall, and I couldn't really stand over top of it on the walkway built there because I could feel the intense force of all of that chi blasting me, practically knocking me over. I couldn't keep my balance! So I had to stand off a bit and admire it from farther away.

While I was there I talked with the male deva in charge of that waterfall, a very beautiful and powerful being.

When you look at a photo of a real waterfall, you are accessing the energy of that sacred spot and all of the spiritual helpers who are guardians of that waterfall. As you set this image in your home or workplace, it creates a nice burst of good energy in the background.

Then you can tap into that energy to make your affirmations extra positive, because you'll be feeling better as you do your affirmations.

So that's my secret tip for the day - surround yourself with inspiring waterfall images!

AllPosters.com has dozens of gorgeous waterfall posters. You can check out their site through the link in my sidebar.

Here's to making your affirmations positive, powerful, and creative!



At 11:06 AM, Blogger Olas said...

Waterfalls produce negative ions which are mood elevators and stress reducers. Same with water features, and fountains, etc. That's why cities with huge fountains in piazzas, etc. are calming.

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Tom Bailey said...

I am doing a study on applied faith. I would appriciate your input.



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