Monday, December 11, 2006

Create Your Own Affirmation The Right Way

When you're working with affirmations, the language you use is incredibly important. Think of it this way. You're basically programming your brain through self-hypnosis or autosuggestion. So you want to make sure that what you put in there is going to work to your maximum benefit, right?

Too often when we engage in prayer, we get into "wishing" mode. We plead for a Higher Power to grant our wishes. Without realizing it, we are demonstrating our LACK of faith in God instead of applied faith in a Spiritual Power to work through us and within us.

And too often we do this same thing with affirmations. Instead of affirming that something has already manifested, we focus on WANT or LACK.

Notice the difference between these two phrases.

#1) "I want $10,000 to manifest right now."

#2) "I give thanks for this $10,000 that has manifested in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Feel the difference in energy between the two?

In one affirmation, you're affirming your SEPARATION from that state - you're affirming the LACK of that $10,000.

In the second affirmation, you're giving thanks and you're filled with joy and appreciation for God or a Higher Power ALREADY having manifested $10,000.

The fact is that everything - money, relationships, property, opportunities - has already been created. This is a universe of unlimited creation. Somewhere, in some reality, everything you could possibly dream of has already manifested.

So your job is to affirm that you are in the reality where everything you want HAS ALREADY BEEN CREATED.

I notice a huge difference when I began to change my affirmations to give thanks for things already having manifested instead of wishing for them to manifest in the future.

I have won $1000 on three separate occasions playing slot machines and also have won $2700 or so on a different day. Each time, I focused on changing my mindset to one of incredible gratitude about THE ABUNDANCE I HAD ALREADY RECEIVED.

It was from this state of joy, of peace, of confidence and trust, that the money just kind of went ......bloooop.....and emerged from those machines. Very fun! I felt like I was tapping into the joy of being a child again, where I just had total trust that I was being provided for.

We can do this in every aspect of our life. The universe is a richly abundant place, and all we need to do is to affirm the abundance that has already manifested. Truly SEE and FEEL it, truly enter into GRATITUDE and JOY about it, and miracles will happen in an instant.



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