Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sample Prosperity Affirmations

Here are some fun prosperity affirmations I thought I'd share today.

"I have more than I need in all areas of my life."

"I give thanks for the abundance that surrounds me."

"I am safe, prosperous, and secure."

"A constant supply of abundance flows toward me."

"I am receiving an infinite supply of abundance."

"Spirit (or God or Goddess) fills me with abundance."

"I am enjoying a constant flow of positive energy."

"I am receiving perfect abundance now."

When you're working with prosperity affirmations, remember to affirm something you already have or are in the midst of receiving rather than framing your affirmation in the future (with something like "I will have money coming in.") Keep your prosperity affirmations focused on the present tense and it will work better for you.

Prosperity affirmations are about setting a clear, unbending intent to enjoy all the blessings available to you in the present and keeping yourself open to all that the Universe is bringing you - in its sacred, magical, and wondrous way.

Tweak these prosperity affirmations with your own ideas - don't be afraid to experiment.



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