Monday, March 12, 2007

Montel Williams and Nora Ephron on The Secret Plus Solving France's Homeless Problem

Montel Williams talked about The Secret today on his talk show. A metaphysical subject turning up on a major talk show (other than Oprah?) Who woulda thunk it was possible!

Meanwhile, Nora Ephron does a hilarious, sardonic take on The Secret's more ludicrous aspects at The Huffington Post:

Nora Ephron on The Secret

And some young people in France don't need The Secret or any self-help guru to inspire them to do a good deed. An exciting grassroots movement has been started by the young people of France, some kids as young as eleven. They are solving the problem of homelessness in a great way:

France's Homeless and the Red Tents



At 4:42 PM, Blogger Linda said...

Hi Jennifer -

I laughed my socks off at the Nora Ephron blog, and looked with interest at the link to Julia Sweeney's blog. Such clever women.

As a teacher/coach of The Law of Attraction, and vocal critic of the newest edition of "The Secret", I feel I have to comment somewhere about the critics coming out of the woodwork here. (I am putting together a more articulate piece for my website that'll be up soon. I just couldn't wait any longer to have my say -- again.)

Critics are quick to denounce this as "dangerous." The thing that makes this all so dangerous is the idea that it's positive thinking. IT IS NOT!!

This is about how you are vibrating. And vibration comes from focus.

As an example, you cannot wish cancer away. If that's your wish, you are still focusing on cancer and thus you produce -- cancer.

Contrary to most mainstream critics' complaints, this IS in fact based upon science -- not the old, "stuck" science we learned in high school, but rather cutting edge Quantum Physics.

If you REALLY want to know how this works, check out anything by Dr. Bruce Lipton; Gregg Braden; Dr. Robert Lanza, vice president of research and scientific development at Advanced Cell Technology and a professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine; and read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot, in which the author cites the works of the leading minds in this area of expertise. This is an easy place to start and all of these sources might possibly change your life.

Thanks for listening to the rant -- Linda Goodspeed Dodds

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Lipstick Mystic said...

Thank you for your rant, Linda!

And may I also point readers towards your excellent book about the law of attraction and daring to live the "impossible" life.....An Impossible Life!

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Lipstick Mystic said...

Thank you for your rant, Linda!

And may I also point readers toward your excellent book about the law of attraction and how to live an "impossible" life.....An Impossible Life by Linda Goodspeed Dodds.

Readers - you have to check it out!


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