Download Free Excerpt from My Law of Attraction Book
Sometimes I receive requests from people to "peek inside" my eBook, Why Most Affirmations Fail and the Four Building Blocks of Successful Affirmations. I realize that this is a great idea. I mean, when you go to a bookstore, you get the chance to hold the book in your hands and browse through the chapters. Why shouldn't you be able to do that with my eBook?
So now I've made several things available to you.
You can download the table of contents and two excerpts from the book at my main affirmations site.
Just go to this page:
Law of Attraction Free Book Excerpt
And you'll be shown how to download the seven pages which are in PDF file format.
I hope you enjoy them! Now you'll be able to get a glimpse of what all the fuss is about surrounding this controversial eBook which is part of my Ebook package (which also includes some free bonuses when you order it online.)
Have fun!
Labels: law of attraction, law of attraction free, law of attraction free ebook, law of attraction free report, law of attraction report
Thank you for making this excerpt available to us. I was really impressed with your table of contents and it gave me a much better sense of what material you cover in your eBook. And in case you're wondering, that was me who purchased today around 2pm. Thanks!
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