Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Affirmations Package Now Super-Sized!

My Affirmations Package sold at my website just got supersized!

I decided to bundle three fabulous products together and offer them for sale. So now when you purchase my Affirmations Package, you receive the following:

* My main eBook, Why Most Affirmations Fail and the Four Building Blocks of Successful Affirmations

* My audio interview, Making the Law of Attraction Work for You

* The pdf written transcript of the entire audio interview, so you don't have to take notes!

The interview is an essential tool that adds more background to the eBook. In the interview, Jeff Smith asks me some frequently asked questions about how affirmations work, how people make common mistakes when they frame their affirmations, and what prevents people from manifesting what they want quickly and easily. These are incredible "user's tips" that aren't available anywhere else on the Net.

I'm looking for more affiliates who have self-help oriented websites and blogs who are interested in promoting my affirmations package on their site. You can make $16.50 per sale as a Clickbank affiliate. You can read all about how to become an affiliate at my site:

Affiliates for Affirmations Package

It's free to become a Clickbank affiliate and only takes about three minutes to grab your affiliate link from their system and paste one simple line of html code into your blog or website template.

For more info, contact us via our site: Free-Daily-Affirmation.com

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Curl Up With Warm Inspiration - Affirmagy Affirmations Blankets

The weather is finally turning cooler, and me and the cats are spending lots of time curling up to share body warmth. Bet you never thought fall would get here, with 80 degrees through most of October! I know I didn't. But cooler weather is finally coming.

I discovered a great new product line from a company called Affirmagy. They produce warm, soft, blankets with affirmations printed on them. You can read more about their great blankets (for people, babies, and pets!) here:

Affirmagy Affirmations Blankets

Cover yourself in some spiritual magic for winter!

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

How to Remove a Ghost - Lipstick Mystic Interview in Today's Star Ledger

I wanted to mention an interview I did which just came out in the Newark New Jersey Star Ledger in today's Home and Garden section.

I worked for years as a professional ghostbuster, so at this time of year, people sometimes ask me to talk about ghosts and haunted homes.

In the article I provided tips on how to recognize when your home might be haunted, and I also shared techniques for clearing negative energies and ghosts out of your living space.

You can read the entire article here:

Newark Star Ledger Interviews Jennifer Shepherd

I also wrote an article describing hauntings in more detail at my other website, LipstickMystic.com - How to Get Rid of a Ghost

Enjoy! And here's to a haunt-free Halloween!

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Link to Free Turbo Charge Your Affirmations Fixed Now

Several kind readers alerted me to the fact that there were problems accessing my free report at my website.

This is now fixed, so go on and download your free report now!

It's called Turbo Charge Your Affirmations Today and you'll find it here (for real this time!)

Free Reports at Free-Daily-Affirmation.com

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Turbo Charge Your Affirmations Today Free Report

From time to time I like to offer free reports to my readers as thanks for all of your incredible support and positive energy.

People write to me every day about the successes they've been having when they work with affirmations and visualizations, and these stories are so inspiring, I just can't keep them a secret any longer!

One of the critical things I've discovered, though, which separates people who are successful with affirmations from people who haven't yet been successful has to do with the scope of their projects. It's really helpful to start with small, even silly, affirmations at first. Then when those things manifest in your life you'll be so jazzed that you'll be ready to tackle those larger projects without hesitation.

My free report goes into detail about small affirmations projects and outlines a bunch of real life success stories from people who focused on small stuff first before they worked up to tackling the big stuff.

I know you'll enjoy the report!

You'll find it here:

Turbo Charge Your Affirmations Today


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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Affirmations to Heal Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Ever suffer from brain fog? Have troubles focusing on just one thing at a time?

These are symptoms of living in a crazy, hectic world! We all find it challenging to deal with hundreds of daily tasks without brain drain. And people who have severe dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) really have troubles keeping up with today's fast pace.

A reader recently asked me for some suggestions about affirmations she and her son could use to help heal dyslexia and attention deficit problems.

I have a bunch of these in my arsenal, and I shared the best affirmations to increase mental focus and heal these conditions in my email response to her.

Now I've fleshed out these affirmations into a juicy article at my website.

If you'd like to experience greater focus and mental clarity, or if you suffer from conditions like dyslexia or attention deficit order, you'll definitely want to check out this new article.

You'll find it at my site here:

Affirmations to Heal Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Enjoy! Here's to increasing your mighty brain powers.

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